can I stop actor from going at an angle?

Non-platform specific questions.

can I stop actor from going at an angle?

Postby ericdg » Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:52 am

I have an actor that goes in 4 directions with left, right, up, and down.

When I press up and right it goes in a north east direction. I was thinking of only using 4 directions instead of 8, If I wanted to do this how would I stop it from going at an angle?
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Postby makslane » Thu Sep 07, 2006 1:46 pm

If you want to stop the actor when press two keys, just put an action to cancel the move done.

For example, if you use the key right to make 'x += 5;' and the key up to make 'y -= 5;' to cancel the diagonal move, just use a new 'Key Down' event for both up and right keys (with 'All keys are pressed' option) and put:

Code: Select all
x -= 5;
y += 5;
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