You should be able to use mp3 files.

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

You should be able to use mp3 files.

Postby lilmuleman214 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:07 pm

you should me able to use mp3 files for music backrounds, and noise's.
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Postby Jay S. » Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:11 pm

GE used to support MP3s, but for legal reasons, Makslane had to drop it out. :( However, it does support Ogg Vorbis, which is a very worthy substitute.
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Postby berighteous » Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:01 pm

Ogg Vorbis is a bizarre name for a sound file format. Yeah I know the history and where it came from, but it's still a strange name for something intended to be a universal format.

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Postby Jay S. » Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:55 pm

berighteous wrote:Ogg Vorbis is a bizarre name for a sound file format.

Indeed. :)
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Postby theta » Sat Aug 18, 2007 6:11 pm

you can use winlame
it'll convert .mp3 into .ogg
and it will also do .wav files
best of all it's free!
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Postby J Maker » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:54 pm

try seraching for audacity it should be able to import mp3s and you can convert them to .wav's
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Postby Fuzzy » Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:40 pm

Dont use wav. They are HUGE. they are only good for small stuff.
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Postby zbulletproofz » Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:33 am

look under suport, i posted a converter
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