Pass a variable

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Pass a variable

Postby Fuzzy » Wed Apr 04, 2007 4:16 am

What is a good way to pass a variable to an actor made with create actor in a script?
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Postby jazz_e_bob » Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:18 am

When you create a child, remember it's name.

Code: Select all
Actor *myChild = CreateActor("child", "icon", "(none)", "(none)", 200, 0, false);

strcpy ( myChildsCloneName, myChild->clonename );

Then you can call it by name to change it's parameters.

Code: Select all
getclone( myChildsCloneName )->xvelocity = 10;
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Postby Fuzzy » Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:08 am

Many thanks.
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