Greetings. I have made a Java util that allows you to rotate/scale sprites with full alpha (transparency) support.
I used it to create the bullet demo for Chai. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9396
This is especially useful for particle fx, objects with trails, etc. etc.
This util formats rotations to fit the GE angle system.
It is a java util and requires java to run. Compatibility has been tested with 64 win7 and 64 ubuntu.
Hope you find this useful!
**Update v1.01: Fixed bug on non-square frame amounts.**
**Update v1.02: Fixed float bug on rotation amounts**
**Update v1.03: Fixed Multiple bugs:
Properly determines absolute filled sheets(no blank spots), and chooses closest combination to square that's possible. This means any frame number works - if you choose a prime number, your sheet will be 1xnumber, a square number will result in a sheet sqrt(number) x sqrt(number).
Zoom properly capped.
You can now drag the image with Right Mouse button.