Scripting wizard

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Scripting wizard

Postby Janet Merai » Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:44 am

This just came off of the tip of my tongue, but would it be possible to integrate a scripting wizard that defines things you can do if it is related?

Like, if you are creating an actor, the wizard notifies you, hopefully you can also turn this option on/off, that there is something related to creating an actor like creating text and so on.

Or maybe you are importing sound, the wizard lets you know of other stuff like that too.

Or if you are scripting maybe the wizard automates the scripting for you depending on what you choose.

I like the idea of choosing buttons that makes complicated tasks easier.
You advertise no programming knowledge required, but it is really for people who want to make a character jump and kill a baddie.

Serious developers who want to make a game without a scritch for programming will be happy, like me :P

Anywho, any other wizard suggestions?
I think this would benefit a lot :)
Janet Merai
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