by J Maker » Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:11 am
so i want to make a survival game with random enemies popping up. i kno that to make the enemies pop up randomly i need a timer set to random and when the timer goes off it will create an enemy actor. but i want them to pop op all along the x-axis that is equal with another actor. i remember using a code like that before but i cant find it in any of my games. it has to do with when the timer goes off it will create along the x-axis of the actor that is doing the creating. if someone could help me out with that and possibly the y-axis too that would be great.
Some people believe Chuck Norris evolved from a dinosaur, the Chucknorisaurus.
Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits.
Chuck Norris doesn't hunt, he kills.
Chuck Norris once shot down a german fighter plane with his finger by yelling BANG!!!