make your game somewhat 3-d

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make your game somewhat 3-d

Postby cyber ruler » Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:19 pm

with game editor, you can't really make a 3-d moving game, but you can make a 3-d game. one simple way to do it is put a 3-d video as a back and have enemies that start small and grow to look like they're comming at you. this would make a good 3-d shooter, you just can't turn left and right.

another good way, which I made a quick demo for is to make it so your char doesn't have a physical responce with the ground, but with a filled region. you put the filled region somewhere in the middle of the floor.

the demo I posted isn't high detail, you may find a few glitches with it, it is just meant as an example.
here's the demo
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Re: make your game somewhat 3-d

Postby Bee-Ant » Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:13 pm

Yeah...I have the same teory... will need much of animations to make the background :(
and make the game's size too big too
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