In English Class, their is a list of words called the Forbidden Words. These words are not allowed to be used in literary analysis', and other professional pieces of writing. I was thinking of creating a program that contained the whole list of Forbidden Words, and allowing people to put their documents in the program, which will scan for any forbidden words. This will be the 1.0 version, 1.1 will allow users to also put in additional words, that their teacher/professor specifically Forbade them from using, which then it will scan for those words also, 1.2 will show you how many times you used a certain word if you insert it in, and 2.0 will allow for grammar checks, and spelling checks. (with a later update making sure you spelled a word right in context of what was written) A lot more updates are planned for the future, those are just the beginning.
The whole purpose of this was to show I am not dead, to show that I am indeed thinking of projects still, and to see if this was an idea worth pursuing.
Also, feel free to tell me if starting tournaments back up would interest you guys.