Memory error

Non-platform specific questions.

Memory error

Postby johnx8x » Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:32 pm

I am working on a game, and it's rather big, so now I have started to get memory errors. I tried to export the game to test it, then GE closed down and gave me an error message saying it didn't have enough memory. Later I tried again, but then it worked...didn't come up with any memory errors and the game was exported just fine.

Due to the way this game is created there isn't really much I can do to limit its filesize (it's over 200 MB). I do have an option of splitting up the game in separate files, but I'd prefer not to as that would make me change the entire gameplay ... so I'm asking here if anyone knows any ways around this? Is it possible to just buy more RAM for my pc, or is there a limitation within the GE software itself on how big a game can be? Like I said, the error seems to come and go, and after it first didn't want to export the game because of "not enough memory", just a few minutes later, it would export it all fine... :?:

Any input on this would be much appreciated.
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Re: Memory error

Postby Game A Gogo » Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:28 am

Tip on exporting big games: Save your progress, close GE, re-open it then export.


GE seems to keep garbage made from the game modes. You might notice some actors don't get deleted (like particles) when you press ESC.
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Re: Memory error

Postby johnx8x » Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:29 pm

Thanks for the suggestion. Also, it doesn't only happen when I try to export the also happens now sometimes when I try to save the progress (gives and error saying not enough memory to execute the game). I can open it again just after it has closed down, and save without problems. Then the memory error might happen again later on, etc. Strange thing is, whenever it gives the error and closes down...when I open the file again (without clicking the recovery option that pops up), the latest changes I made is still saved... :?

What I'd like to know, if wether this could be solved by simply getting more RAM for my pc?
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Re: Memory error

Postby Game A Gogo » Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:09 pm

It should, but I don't think my memory was maxed when this happened. Next time this error happens, you should check the PageFile and the Physical Memory usage in Task Manager. If it's near maxed perhaps you should consider upgrading ram. Do note you cannot have more than 3GB of ram if you only have a 32-bit processor. You need a 64-bit for 4GB and beyond or else your system can become unstable!
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