I am working on an adventure game similar to and rpgish zelda or cystalis. And I am trying to decide how to do enemies.
What I am leaning towards is what TSR's Dark Sun does and randomly scatter encounters or groups as a player enters a level. ie instead of wolves being randomly disbursed through a level, there will be a pack of wolves somewhere. I do not want all parties of enemies attacking the player at once, so I was going to use activation regions. I would place activation regions throughout my level. Then as the player enters the level, encounters would be randomly placed into these regions, or not placed.
I need to now figure out what types of AI I need. I have the cannon fodder "guy walking towards you slowly"
I want:
Warrior type:
chases you fast and swings weapon like you
tries to stay away and shoot you while cannon fodder or warrior kills you
just wanders randomly
circles around you in a pack and randomly moves in to strike
Does anyone have any suggestions on other AI I can include? Or how to go about the Wolf AI? I was thinking a circular path, but I wouldnt know how to get the wolf to stay circling.