Point and Click Game

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Re: Point and Click Game

Postby GuybrushThreepwood » Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:55 pm

Here it is so far
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Re: Point and Click Game

Postby BlarghNRawr » Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:39 pm

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Re: Point and Click Game

Postby edh » Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:40 am

Hmm. Well, you don't have any of the code I gave in my example in your example. Guess that's a big reason why it doesn't work.

I feel a little jerked around right now.

If you try to do it, and it doesn't work, I will try to help. I've already offered up a lot here. If you don't try to do it, and it doesn't work, you're on your own. I was expecting an example that only had one animation working correctly. This example doesn't do anything except move to, there is no script at all in there.
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Re: Point and Click Game

Postby GuybrushThreepwood » Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:28 am

change the transparency of the actor Click

Sorry for all the trouble :oops:
+2 bonus points :D
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Re: Point and Click Game

Postby DilloDude » Thu Sep 18, 2008 4:20 am

Add this to Global Code:
Code: Select all
typedef unsigned short int specAng;

specAng normToSpec(double angsize)
    return angsize * 182.04444444444444444444444444444;

double specToNorm(specAng angsize)
    return angsize * 0.0054931640625000000000000000000013;

double angWrap(double angsize)
    return specToNorm(normToSpec(angsize));

There are more functions in this set, but these are the only ones you'll need so far.

Then add a draw actor event on Guybrush, make it script editor and put
Code: Select all
if (directional_velocity > 0)
    int ang = angWrap(angle + 45) / 90;
    char dChar;
    char animName[17];
        case 0: dChar = 'R'; break;
        case 1: dChar = 'B'; break;
        case 2: dChar = 'L'; break;
        case 3: dChar = 'F'; break;
    sprintf(animName, "Guybrush RtMI %c1", dChar);
    if (animindex != getAnimIndex(animName))
        ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", animName, FORWARD);
    char animName[17];
    strcpy(animName, getAnimName(animindex));
    animName[15] = '2';
    ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", animName, FORWARD);
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Re: Point and Click Game

Postby GuybrushThreepwood » Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:23 am

Thanks DilloDude :mrgreen:
+1 point :D
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Re: Point and Click Game

Postby smallville » Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:58 am

the way that i would do animation i would type this code (probably won't work) :roll:
myactor>drawactor>script editor
Code: Select all

if (myactor.x>+)
if (myactor.x<-)
Code: Select all

and then do the same thing only with the Y axis
im not so good with the precision of these codes
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Re: Point and Click Game

Postby BlarghNRawr » Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:21 pm

:D you have to put the code between the code brackets
Code: Select all
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