by Game A Gogo » Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:36 pm
That's because there are a lot of actors on the screen doing script. Running in full screen would help the process (Always does) but you would still experience a lag.
Bugs I have founded:
-When you get the powerup where you can shoot water things and there is others that comes out the other way, if one of those is destroyed (Thus, making the variable you have used to prevent from creating multiple shots) you can create another one immediately after even if the main shot isn't destroyed yet
-I have noticed there are some places where you can make the screen scroll by going to the edge, sometimes, on the "x" movement, you can go faster then the screen and if you go beyond the screen, you can't come back on it. Making me close the game.
-Also, the "shadow" for the shots overlays the shot it self when going down.
Programming games is an art,