Clone index not resetting itself...

Non-platform specific questions.

Clone index not resetting itself...

Postby Game A Gogo » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:38 pm

Alright, I have an actor and I created a bunch of clones of it and then deleted them all except one, which wasn't the original... I though no big deal at first.
Then it went that I needed to clone this actor again, but to my surprise, the clone index was all messed up! it started from 9!

Of course, to a lot of people this causes not one problem. But I'm using GetClone2 and it's preventing me from displaying rocks on a minimap in GE Space Battle v2!

I suppose I can always delete all the rocks and make them create in a script, but this way can't always be applied in every game (Especially the one I plan to make after)

So please, repair this bug when you have the time
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