Howto-Make an advanced timer

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Howto-Make an advanced timer

Postby Hblade » Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:57 am

Advanced Timer
    Written by Hblade

Step 1
    Programming the timer
Open up Global code and put this code in it
Code: Select all
int framecount;
void Wait(int f)
    framecount = framecount + 1;
    if (framecount == f)
        case 0:
        temp = 1;
        framecount = 0;

Make a variable and call it temp, make it an actor variable

Step 2
    Using the timer
Open up the actor you wan't the timer to apply to, then click Draw Actor - Script editor, then put this code in
Code: Select all
if (temp == 1)
enter your code

It wil wait for 189 frames then it will initiate the code
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Re: Howto-Make an advanced timer

Postby Fuzzy » Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:27 am

Nicely done.
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Re: Howto-Make an advanced timer

Postby skydereign » Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:40 am

Why not implement two actor variables, since you are already using one? That way any actor can call the function, and framecount won't get confused. Just switch framecount to an actor variable. It wouldn't hurt efficiency, as only actors with the function call would have a changing framecount.
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Re: Howto-Make an advanced timer

Postby Hblade » Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:41 am

Nice sky
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