
iPhone/iPod/iPad specific questions and discussion


Postby Zehper48 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:07 am

What exactly does the Geplayer, found here ... 0039?mt=8# do?

Does it convert .dat into .ipa?

and would it work with Game Editor Pro 1.3.5?

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Re: Geplayer

Postby Orlando911 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:32 am

if u have windows operating system and u want to test ur game in your Iphone, down load Geplayer in ur iphone , then u can use FTP software then follow the steps then u will see ur game in ur Iphone,

but If u have mac computer u are fine,
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Re: Geplayer

Postby sonicfire » Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:03 pm

and if you own a mac you have to use xcode , right?
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Re: Geplayer

Postby Zehper48 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:27 pm

Oh ok, that makes sense, is there a way to turn your game into a .ipa though? I would just want to share with a couple friends, but I wouldn't want them all to get Geplayer.
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Re: Geplayer

Postby Kodo » Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:32 pm

Zehper48, unfortunately as far as Apple are concerned there's no difference whether you want to share with a few people or millions of people, you'll need to publish your game to the App Store, or get someone else to do it for you, and that will cost you cash. On top of that there is no guarantee that Apple will approve your App!

As for GePlayer, if you havent used it already it's is such a useful tool! To be able to test your game by just ftp'ing the geplayer.dat file to your device and running through the GePlayer is shear genius :) Even if you intend to self publish your app on the App Store this is still money well spent, it'll save you masses of time during development!
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Re: Geplayer

Postby Zehper48 » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:04 am

If I bought the GEplayer, is that just an App itself? Could I give that to some friends, or would they also have to buy it.
And how does the FTP work?

Thanks Alot for answering my questions, REALLY helpful :)
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Re: Geplayer

Postby Kodo » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:35 am

GePlayer costs $24.99 and is an App that you buy in the App Store, it's intended to be used in the development process.

You can not distribute it, each friend would also have to buy a copy. And there are limits on what it can do which make it unsuitable for what you are thinking.
Your best bet to share your free game with your friends is to forget the iPhone/iPod and export a free PC version.

See here for more info on GePlayer: ... &Itemid=16
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