Well, I was wondering if someone would be able to help me make a game, I would like to make something like "the impossible quiz", something where you click a button and it takes you to another type of page... Would anyone please give me a tut or a base that already has that kind of thing? Please and thank you.
Have all of your quiz questions ready. Then however many questions you have, make a variable... that variable is randomized from 0 to waht ever the number of questions is. When it reaches that number, it displays the question.
Yes, I am kind of new to this, I am only familiar with editing a java base atm... not w/e this is... I guess I'm gonna have to find a tut explaining this all haha.
ok that type of game will be hard for a beginner.. try to make mario bros. of pac-man i have a pac_man tutorial here try to work on something like that ok.