Special pause

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Special pause

Postby toshiro » Mon Nov 12, 2007 7:40 pm

Ever played Marvel vs Capcom (addicted to the stuff), well what i want to do is similar to the way their specials are executed. First off i want to pause the game play ( for a few seconds) and dim the entire screen(except my player, and i need the screen darkened just a little not turned black),after i want to move a picture of my player (without dimming it ) across the screen and then return the screen to normal for my player to do his special. kind of confusing i kno but....... please!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Special pause

Postby Fuzzy » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:56 am

have a global variable IsPaused. before an actor that should be affected by the pause can move, you must check to see if pause is on (IsPaused=1). put that on just when the special move is triggered.

Next, darken the screen. Have a screen sized actor colored black overtop everything, and turn off its visibility on create actor, or turn it transparent. when the special move is started, fade it in, which will darken the screen.

The moved actor can be placed overtop the dark screen by changing its depth. move it where you gotta, and do whatever else you need to do. then reverse all the steps.
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