When we analyse other people script, if we mouse over a Variable or Function the description should appear.
Also when in script editor you click varaible/function, when we mouseOver the variables / functions, the description should appear.
That would save alot of time to learn the engine.
When we mouseOver. CreateActor.
We will have
CreateActor: Creates a new Actor via script.
Actor* CreateActor(char *creatorName, char *animationName, char *parentName, char *pathName, int xpos, int ypos, int absolutePosition)
Then if we press F1 we can have the full description.
creatorName: any legal Actor name.
animationName: the animation valid for the Actor Name or "no animation".
parentName: any Actor name (including"Event Actor", "Collide Actor", "Parent Actor", "Creator Actor" and "no parent").
pathName: any path name (including "no path" and "random path").
x,y: the new Actor's initial position.
absolutePosition: true or false.
Return Actor if success, invalid Actor (with cloneindex = -1 and name = "") on error.