Some question\tips.

Game Editor comments and discussion.

Some question\tips.

Postby mindcontrol » Tue May 19, 2015 11:13 am

Hi i'm making my first game, and it is starting to become big enough, and to continue i need to fix something.. thanks for anyone who will answer.

1. Saving game, the most important thing for now, as already sayd the game is big (and difficult, i was ispired to dark souls to be clear) so i need to save or we have to start over everytime. I already followed the tutorial for saving game, but it's not working becouse my actor has another actor as parent, a filled region on is foot, (to make better collision) called pg, so we i save the x and y pos, i need to save the pg position too (and the view too).
A checkpoint system could fit too.
If possible i want to restart\load the game by clicking a button with the mouse.
For now i tried this temporary solution:
On check point collision:
Check = 1;

On "start to last checkpoint" button:
if (check) {
pg.x = checkpoint.x;
pg.y = checkpoint.y;
view.x = checkpoint.x;
view.y = checkpoint.y;
start = 1; // Make the view restart to follow the player
Some times it work, but some times the player rewpown in a different place, lot above for exemple, or with the filled regions separated from player..

2. I'll like to have better dialogues, right now i'm using this for dialogue:

Npc collision with player :
Code: Select all
char *key = GetKeyState();
if (key[KEY_UP]==1 && x < pg.x + 20 && x > pg.x - 20 && !canMove)
EventDisable("Player", EVENTKEYDOWN);

dialog4.x = -5680;
dialog4.y =  1525;
box4.x = -5530;
box4.y = 1550;
sprintf(dialog4.text, "Text");
i3 = 1;

And this with "dalog4" -> key down (return):

Code: Select all
switch (i3) {
    case 1: sprintf(dialog4.text, "Text"); break;
    case 2: sprintf(dialog4.text, "Text"); break;
    case 3: sprintf(dialog4.text, "Text"); break;
    case 4: sprintf(dialog4.text, "Text"); break;
case 16:
EventEnable("Player", EVENTKEYDOWN);
dialog4.x = 10000;  // I send they far away lol
dialog4.y = 10000;
box4.x = 10000;
box4.y = 10000;


So the main question for the dialogue are:
-There's a better way to make dialogue?
-How to start a new lines? (i'm writting in only 1 line lol)
-How to make interactive dialogue, like a question where you can choose the answer?

3. A easy way to make a step sound when walking?

4. Can i remove the initial animation of game editor when play the game?

5. The game can be exported for console like xbox360\ps3?
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Re: Some question\tips.

Postby Zivouhr » Wed May 20, 2015 1:01 am

While I don't have the experience to help very much, here's a link in the forum that helped me out tremendously when saving any type of data for a game. Your game sounds cool by the way, if inspired by Dark Souls.

For moving a player to a certain spot, the Move To is flawless compared to moving them with XY, which often ends in errors (I found out while programming Tomb of Twelve), so I just ended up loading the player at a Hub checkpoint.


For a step sound, you could have it play whenever you press left or right, up or down. It would loop till you stopped pressing the button. Synching it to footsteps, a tougher task.

For the initial Game Editor Logo, I think a deluxe version at one time let you not load the logo. I don't mind it right now it as it promotes the engine.

Exported to PS3, PS4, 360, XB1? You'd have to check out the license and software requirements and see if the code for Game Editor is compatible with those requirements. I imagine it's possible.
City of Rott Game created on Game Editor
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Re: Some question\tips.

Postby mindcontrol » Wed May 20, 2015 6:46 am

Ok I'll read the link.
With the step i still have a problem, becouse the sound effect 'start' when i'm pressing left\right, but i countinue only when i keep the button ( i don't know how to explain it), so when i'm wualking i only listen a strange sound.
However, that's my game(only a small part) , tha game is pretty ironic, i'm making it basically to laugh with my friend. Tell me about.
Ps dialogue are in italian.
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