I try my best to program, and piece together my programs in the most optimized way which is why i still have tons of work on my engine i started it before i knew alot of stuff i do now so alot of reworking to be done..
The idea was to show you that although if's are nasty they hold there specific place for use, when needed they should be used on inherited actors or sent by send activation events so you keep the calls down to a minimum and so you only need to write your if a single time!
this specific example i made in a minute or two trying to find a way to make static maps load from a single actor with a single canvas if your interested as am i, im still working on a way to make it work
also instead of draw actor's if you can use send activation events use them saves alot of calls, my engine total i think a single actor has a draw event and that's just my debug text actor every other actor uses send activation although i need to rework some to use inheritance instead of activations!
maybe i should make a tutorial on inheritance, send activation's, and pointers after all they are the way GE was meant to be used!