Hi, I write to show you a game I have realized.
Zig Zag is a puzzle action with game mechanics both from classic arcade game Dig Dug and Boulderdash. The player moves in an underground maze, digging galleries and collecting diamonds. In each level the player must reach the exit door that is opened once all the diamonds in the level are collected. Different creatures, each with its own walking pattern, moves in the underground maze and the contact with an enemy causes the loss of one of the five lives. The boulders present in some levels can be used to kill enemies, but the player must take care to not be crushed himself. When a boulder falls from higher than one step, it crumbles and vanishes. The game features 15 levels of increasing difficulty.
Zig Zag can be downloaded for free at http://bluestarinteract.altervista.org/index.html.
Both the Windows version and MacOS version (untested) are present as well as the Game Editor source code. Links to video walkthroughs for all 15 levels are also present.
The game video trailer can be seen at
The FACEBOOK link is http://www.facebook.com/pages/Blue-Star-Interactive/362956953728957