Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

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Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby Irondan75 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:35 am

I have been sitting here since I woke at 7am (now 8:22 pm) :twisted: trying to get my game .dat file to compile with Xcode.
I read everything in the forums about using Xcode 3 and the geapp.xcodeproj and the closest I got was 1 red error that There is no sdk with the name iphoneos3.0
When I tried following the Apple Developer Center guide to Xcode I got no errors but on my ipod touch all I got was a white icon and when I clicked I got a full white
screen that did nothing. So I downloaded the new Xcode 4 and I cant find any info out there to help me out and the info on the forum is geared to Xcode 3 so I'm at a loss.

Does anyone have an answer to my cries for HELP??

A side note for extra info.

I have the GEPLAYER APP and have used FileZilla to put the game on my ipod touch to test many times and it works perfectly.
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Re: Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby skydereign » Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:30 am

If I recall, that error is because your base sdk is not set properly. That and the deployment target os are the only places that that error would occur. You should set the architecture base sdk to the latest. I can't double check with mine, as I just reinstalled my macbook and haven't gotten to xcode 4.
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Re: Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby Irondan75 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:10 pm

I wiped out Xcode 4 and am in the process of installing SDK 3.1.3 with XCode 3.2.1 as used in viewtopic.php?f=1&t=8945
I hope I can use this to build my Distribution App for submission to Apple and not just test out on device.
If anyone reading this and used the link above with their Build that was successful and has any tips that helped them succeed that weren't
listed in the above link Please feel free to throw everything you learned at ears are wide open and I really can use the help.


(Edit) Didnt work, Going back to sdk 4.3 and Xcode 3.2.6 since I got further with that. I'll just have to work on the errors trial and error style.

(2nd Edit)

Do I have to use Xcode?
I have the GEPLAYER app installed on my Ipod touch and tested my game already.
Can I just use the Application Loaded and send my Gamename.dat file with all required icons to the Itunes Connect for review?
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Re: Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby skydereign » Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:26 pm

No you can't, you have to use geapp. For people to be able to play your game, they need the geplayer. I used alexandrefredenucci's tutorial as a starting point, but it wouldn't allow me to go through the entire process. I did however start making my own tutorial, which worked fine for me.

I did work with another user that was having problems with xcode 4, but it seemed repeating the steps eventually made it work (though their problem was unrelated).
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Re: Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby Kodo » Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:39 pm

I too have managed to get everything working with Xcode 4, it's a fiddly job but is possible, especially if like me you come to it as Mac newbie. There are various posts on these forums that are quite helpful though and you might need to take a bit from each in the end to get it working depending on your problems. Good luck finding those posts though, iPhone info on this site gets buried pretty quick, and it's all over the place :(
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Re: Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby akr » Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:24 pm

Thank you for the feedback. Lemme know if problems persist. Will take care for.

Kodo: when will u release your game? :)
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Re: Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby Kodo » Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:33 pm

@Akr, I had to delay the submission a couple of weeks because I had no spare cash for the SDL licence. Today I actually filled out the SDL form and will pay them tomorrow ,so I should be submitting to Apple either Friday or Monday, probably Monday. I will post here when I submit :)
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Re: Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby akr » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:19 am

@Kodo: Just want to make sure that you have seen the price reduction for game-editor users. We have a discount of 75% off. See Buy section here.
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Re: Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby Kodo » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:26 pm

@Akr, yes thanks that is a fantastic reduction. The SDL people told me that because of the reduction the cost is $25 instead of $100! Another great reason for using game-editor :)
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Re: Anyone use Xcode 4 yet to compile their gamename.dat?

Postby akr » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:18 pm

So now I am really looking forward to see your game soon! :)
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