Lost focus Bug

Non-platform specific questions.

Lost focus Bug

Postby Fuzzy » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:10 am

1. start windows.
2. start GE.
3. press game mode.
4. click red x to exit game mode.
5. start internet explorer(or something else)
6. exit explorer
7. click game mode in GE
8. hit red x to close game mode
9. it doesnt work. (but escape key does)
10. You also cannot close GE with the mouse after this.

I cannot confirm this is a GE bug, but as other windows do not fail to regain mouse focus, I assume it it.
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Re: Lost focus Bug

Postby Kalladdolf » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:47 am

Well, this happened to me, quite often.
Also sometimes when u exit the game mode, you cannot select ceratin actors, they coutinue to play their animations,
and when you drag an actor it leaves an unchangable copy behind. When u enter the game mode again, everything is still unchanged :(
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Re: Lost focus Bug

Postby Bee-Ant » Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:13 pm

If you got lost focus of Close Button, click your desktop or taskbar first, then click the close button... :D
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