Extra functionality for PDA exports

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Extra functionality for PDA exports

Postby irblinx » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:44 pm

As a PDA only programmer at the momentmost of my wants and needs are for enhancements to the exported PDA games.

The biggest gripe is that the games will not load if the PDA is in the wrong rotation format when you launch it, instead of just displaying a message surely it isn't too difficult to rotate to the correct orientation and then launch the game?

Another real winner for me would be the ability to export a QVGA res game for PDA which would scale up when launched on a VGA device. A lot of commercial games will do this and whilst you do lose out on the advantage of having a VGA device sometimes with simple games the effort of redesigning gfx and recoding for the bigger display isn't really worth it.

A nice packaging option would be nice too but I'm not greedy :)
Current projects: Crania deluxe for Mac, iCrania
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