Blend Modes for draw_from and getPixel() function

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Blend Modes for draw_from and getPixel() function

Postby fauldran » Tue May 29, 2007 6:41 pm

Blend Modes
It would be cool if you could draw_from and specify a blend mode like multiply or overlay. (Like with layers in Photoshop)

This could be used to create some nice 2D lighting effects and other effects.

getPixel() - This may have already been mentioned...
It would allow for greatly enhanced AI systems and other effects if it were possible to get the pixel color value of an actor or at a screen coord. The ability to choose which would be awesome.

getPixel(<taget actor>, <x coord>, <y coord>)

or smoething like that...
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Postby Sgt. Sparky » Tue May 29, 2007 7:35 pm

I really want a getpixel function. :D
to overlap just make more than one canvas actor. :D
(when you draw it is clearing pixel data, photoshop may use the same thing only with GL brush ect. and structure stuff.)
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Postby summer_goth » Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:47 am

What is the best way to emulate getPixel() so long?

I have a background image with complex areas where the filled region won't work. I want to be able to click on various parts of the image and then act accordingly.

The filled region isn't precise enough.

With getPixel() I can create a hotspot image with a couple of colours filled according to where one can click. As fauldran mentioned: getPixel(<taget actor>, <x coord>, <y coord>) or something like that would be ideal.

Another way is to cut the image up into various actors. However this makes things complicated and since I am creating a Pocket PC game I am worried about performance.

What is the best way to currently do this? (eh sorry to ask it here. If necessary I will open a new thread somewhere else that's more appropriate) I just thought I'd do it here because getPixel() is mentioned here.
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