Call Animation By Name

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Call Animation By Name

Postby Just4Fun » Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:19 pm

If there isn't already a way to call an animation by name, maybe it would be a nice feature addition.

Something like:

if ("Moon","Full Moon Animation",FORWARD) //Actor Name: Moon. Animation Name: Full Moon Animation
ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "Half Moon Animation", FORWARD);


If I can do this and don't know it; how? TIA
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

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Postby brutalDeluxe » Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:45 pm

Maybe these will help:

int getAnimIndex(char *animName)
Get the index of an animation in Event Actor
animName: a valid animation name in the current Event Actor
Return animation index if success, -1 on error

char *getAnimName(int animIndex)
Get the name of an animation in Event Actor
animIndex: a animaiton index in the Event Actor
Return animation name if success, "" on error
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