
Ideas for Game Editor evolution.


Postby d-soldier » Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:57 am

I just read through all three pages here, and though I'm sure a lot has changed since the first post (regarding GE) I'm still a little confused. For example, all the people complaining about the price, seriously? When I came accross this prgram from my google search and saw the potential (it was the mock Abuse game that sealed it for me) I didn't even look to find it (or a crack/serial/etc.) illegally once I saw how REASONABLE the price was... but maybe thats changed.... $20 for current version registered!?!? Thats how much a pizza costs for Christs sake....
What I would like to see is a simple tutorial for EVERYTHING. I learn from seeing it in action and comprehending what I'm seeing (like I said, simple). And it would be nice if actor clones did not automatically change when any one of them is modified (maybe the master, but any single one of 'em?!?). Great program, obvious potential.
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Postby Game A Gogo » Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:03 am

thats whats clone are for, and btw, I am making a html tutorial called GESK, but it has been pause since i master rebooted my comp...
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Postby Fuzzy » Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:42 am

I've always payed the price gladly. Even if i spend 50 dollars a year on GE, and only use it twice per week, thats still only 0.5 dollar per week. Its great; its stable, and I've only ever been stopped by 1 bug, which makslane fixed within days of me finding it.

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Postby Kodo » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:49 am

Quite honestly I felt guilty paying such a small amount for such great software, especially when you consider that you could make cash from your creations as well if you chose to! I feel a bit better knowing that I buy two copies each time I renew as I run the editor on two machines.
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