opening GE with an error

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

opening GE with an error

Postby pixelpoop » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:38 am

How come when I get an error on opening a ged file that a font or .bmp file is missing, I can't still look at the file? All of the coding disappears and you just get a blank ged file.
My request is that a missing font or graphic should be replaced by the packman and the file should still open and work.
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Re: opening GE with an error

Postby J Maker » Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:36 pm

that would be AWESOME!!!!! i hate when that happens so i think so too :D
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Re: opening GE with an error

Postby cyber ruler » Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:04 am

Heh, that would be good. Thats happened to me a few times, but I have a solution anyway.

Make sure your data folder is in the right place. I make a folder for each of my games, then I have the .ged and data folder both in my game folder. Now find the missing thing (ur .bmp or watever) and put it in the data folder. another thing u can't do is have 2 .bmp's or watever u use with the same name in 1 game. (example, I used to make a char. animation folder with 4 more folders named up, down, left, and right. in each of those folders I would have the chars. moving animation frames named 1, 2, 3, and 4. doesn't work.)

I hope this helped.

also another good idea for makslane would be if you cant find the .bmp or watever, it will just delete the actor w/ the problem and keep everything else
All of my friends tell me programming is my thing. I go to tech school and I'm in I.T., yep, programming all day. My friends ask for help all of the time. But, they tell me my graphics suck... and I have to agree. O, well :/
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