Forum rules

Post here your demos and examples with the source files.
Forum rules
Always post the games with a screenshot.
The file must have the ged and data files (complete game source)
Use the forum attachment to post the files.
It is always better to use the first post to put the game files

Forum rules

Postby MrJolteon » Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:18 am

after like 14 years i figured it's about time we finally got some rules around here
these rules were written with whatever system we had before in mind

Be civil and positive
  • Be civil and respect other people's opinions, whether you agree or not.
  • Please do not be rude, judgmental or belittling.
  • Respond to incivility with greater civility and respect.
  • Please do not accuse others or request kicks or bans in public, engage in personal attacks, intentionally offend or provoke others.
    The report button is there for a reason.
  • Keep all-caps text to a minimum.
    It's fine to write words in all caps for emphasis, but when your entire post is in all caps, you're doing the text equivalent of shouting at someone right next to you.
    Posts are judged on an individual basis, but a general rule of thumb is that if more than half of your post consists of uppercase letters it's probably a good idea to tone it down.

Be considerate
  • Be Considerate.
  • Please do not intentionally annoy or harass users, whether by spamming, trolling, flamebaiting, astroturfing, soapboxing or typing in all caps.

Assume good faith
  • Forums lack the normal facial expressions and body language used in everyday conversation.
  • Without these it can be easy to misunderstand the intentions of someone and lead to uncomfortable situations.
  • Try to assume good faith and avoid reacting negatively.

Failure to follow these rules will result in warnings being issued. Repeated warnings (3) will result in a permanent ban. Any attempt to circumvent this ban will result in another instant ban.

The only exception to the above is spam. Spam will result in an instant ban.
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Re: Forum rules

Postby MrJolteon » Sat May 05, 2018 7:30 pm

Added a new rule in response to the excessive use of caps lock by some people.

It does not apply to posts made prior to this one.
New posts violating this rule will be edited, and the user will be given a warning that counts as half a regular warning, meaning you'll get six caps lock warnings before you get banned.
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