External Global Code

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

External Global Code

Postby Kodo » Tue May 15, 2007 3:15 pm

I’d like to be able to keep groups of functions in a text file (or several text files), place them in a ‘plugins’ directory and have GE read them in automatically so that I can easily re-use functions across several projects without having to cut and paste everything every time. I would love for GE to look for a ‘Plugins’ folder in the same directory as the ‘Data’ directory for a game, import the text files when GE starts and make them available in the Global Code section! The filenames could even be used as names for the different sections of global code. This would be so incredibly useful and would also allow us GE users to upload functions and expand on GE more freely! I know it’d make a big difference in my projects with keeping code up to date across several different GEDs. Just a thought :)
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Postby Sgt. Sparky » Tue May 15, 2007 3:27 pm

that would be nice! :D:D:D
but it could create problems, like when would it update the file?
it would most likely be when you saved so it would make the game you saved the dominant code,
so it may just be easier to copy and paste the code.
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Postby Kodo » Tue May 15, 2007 3:33 pm

I wouldnt mind if the code in the txt files wasnt changable in GE. So long as they were .txt fiels you could open them in anything (notepad etc) and edit your code, then just copy those files into however many project folders you want to affect.

My point about not wanting to copy and paste is because you need to copy the working code into say notepad (or the clipboard), then load the new project, select the actor or go into global code, select the relevant section then delete whats there and paste in the new code. You might need to do this multiple times which takes a long time and is a real pain :( Imagine just updating the one txt file, loading up your game and hitting export knowing that the code had auto-updated!
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sounds good

Postby kyensoftware » Tue May 15, 2007 11:42 pm

Sounds good.
Yeah that would be nice!
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Postby morcior » Fri May 18, 2007 1:13 am

good idea
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