Make 3D happen using Open source

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Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby Hblade » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:33 am

Hey guys, I figured we should help makslane out by making a 3D compatable game Editor, so that you can use .3ds files :D I will need to buy a book on 3D C++ Game Design or something, that tics me off though people know C++ but they say they learned it on google but.. yeah right I can search google all day for things like, "C++ Tutorials" or, "Learn C++" and I wont find jack squat that works.. Its all stupid retarded code taht has errors >.>
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby DST » Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:16 am

3d isn't in game editor, as you probably know, because mak wanted it to run on mobile devices that didn't have 3d gpus.

To add it to ge would be fine, except, you'll split the core into two, there'll be the 3d version and the non 3d version, its possible, easily possible, but i'm not sure it will help ge any.

Its hard enough developing one thing.

ps. lol about the googling tutorials. You can learn more by asking one person who knows what they're doing in one afternoon than you can in 3 days of googling.
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby Fuzzy » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:04 am

A big problem with online tutorials (and code examples in forums) is that the people looking for help are students. They want someone else to do their home work for them.

It took me a while to figure it out, but a lot of programmers add those errors in deliberately. Nothing in life is free, right? And those programmers often spent a lot of time and money educating themselves. Then some kid wants him(or her) to do their home work. To put it most simply, if the person asking cannot spot and correct those errors, then they are probably not ready to code at that level. And that they are trying to skip work.

Which isnt the story in your case of course, but you suffer from the effects of that strategy. I know you want to learn things from the ground up.

DST is correct by the way. You will learn a lot more with a teacher than you ever could by reading. There is a logic behind things that doesnt get explained in the tutorials. Which is why my help is usually in the form of explanation rather than code samples. I want people to learn the logic. Its all the small little things that you learn that contributes to great programming. The tricks are not the secret.

If a person cannot or does not have the right sort of logic, they cannot and will not thrive as a programmer. Learning to program is easy. Learning to think correctly is hard. Its something I still struggle with at times, and I know its something that DST spends a lot of time considering as well.I bet even makslane does.

If something seems too complicated, then you are probably thinking about the problem wrong, or you are just not ready to do that yet.
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby Hblade » Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:16 pm

I agree but usually when you ask people, they flip out... which is stupid because the people I DO ask are arogent and self-obsessed, like, ok if you ask them there like, "Why would I want to waiste my time teaching something that a 2 year old can learn", I hate them :/
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby Fuzzy » Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:59 am

Hblade wrote:I agree but usually when you ask people, they flip out... which is stupid because the people I DO ask are arogent and self-obsessed, like, ok if you ask them there like, "Why would I want to waiste my time teaching something that a 2 year old can learn", I hate them :/

They forget how hard it was to learn.
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby Hblade » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:20 pm

lol thats true >.> I bet they had all kinds of books
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby j2graves » Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:37 am

I have a book called 'beginning game programming' which teaches you how to make 3D games with C. however, this book begins assuming you already know C. so I also have another book called 'Absolute beginner's guide to C' which is what I'm reading now (slowly lol)
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby Hblade » Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:16 pm

haha I foudn that my book also assumes you know a little C... Besides the books are BOOOORRRIIINNNGGGG and just teach you stuff like print("ZOMG I WROTE A MESSAGE!") and stuff like that.
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby BloodRaven » Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:04 am

Hblade wrote:haha I foudn that my book also assumes you know a little C... Besides the books are BOOOORRRIIINNNGGGG and just teach you stuff like print("ZOMG I WROTE A MESSAGE!") and stuff like that.

I think you are right i read one in c++ but there is 2 books about games.They will really teach how to create real games , there is some big problems
1-the first book teaches to create game in 2d [GE is doing that ]
and it is using Python.
2-The third one is VERY VERY helpful to create 3D games but it is in VB 2008.[vb is a program that don't support 3d directly like GE]

I have both books.From the second book i realized that they are using Direct X sdk to create 3d games and vb is just a frame to coding.And they wrote in that book that creating 3D games is easy with Direct X and only we need to know how to call a 3D model using coding.

If c or c++ can use that direct x sdk then GE will become 3D.Using this they are just loading that 3D character using some serious coding and setting the animation length.

I think by using that there will be an option with the user to decide to select direct x or not.By this i think he can create both 2D and 3D.
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby Fuzzy » Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:33 am

Learning programming is different from learning other things. The syntax is stylized, but it is also dense. That is why you can read a novel in a day, but doing a 300 page programming book takes a month. I used to read very quickly as a kid, and now I dont. I just realized it is because what I read has changed.
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby MrJolteon » Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:08 pm

Hblade wrote: .3ds

3ds? Why not make a completely new extension for 3DGE projects, like 3dgeproj or something, Craig, you know the RMXP and VX project extensions?(rxproj and rvproj) I got idea from that and 3D RAD(It's not easy, but not hard either making games with 3D RAD.).
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby Fuzzy » Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:37 am

Why make GE something it is not? There are plenty of 3d game creation packages out there. Why should GE become one in a million?
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby DST » Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:42 pm

That's a good point. It is what it is.

I see what fuzzy means about purposeful errors in the code, but i always test my code before giving it, so i know it works, yet people still can't make it work for one reason or another.

The reason is, probably, they haven't even learned the basics yet. If you are like me, and you hate books, then just use the internet to learn. Its sloppier and not always continuous in its flow, but everything you want to know is out there.

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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby krenisis » Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:42 am

I feel if everyone communicates and the guys that have been here teach some newer guys we can make a 3D effect type game. I have already started and got Hblade and Mr.Jolteon on board. With help from people who know scale and rotation we can do it. A little effort from all of us will go a long way. 3D game creation in Game Editor has begun.
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Re: Make 3D happen using Open source

Postby Hblade » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:29 pm

Dont worry, soon game editor will support 3D. Learning C++ is NOT easy at all... Right not I'm learning sprite designing on my own through trial and error :/
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