8-Bit Convert Makes Size BIG

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8-Bit Convert Makes Size BIG

Postby jimmynewguy » Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:34 pm

Hello. In making my game, I decided to go with a "cheap-o" nes style title screen and was messing around with other stuff. Got around to finding a program that converts midis into 8-bit sounds. Only bad thing is it only exports into .wav. So the file was huge. I put these waves into fruity loops and converted them to .ogg but they're file size is still too great compared to midis. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can either: A) Make the .ogg file smaller without losing the sound quality? or B) Make a midi 8-bit and have it still be a midi?

Oh well, listen to these tunes and tell me what you think, is the size worth it?

EDIT: I did makes these btw, even though piano cats main theme is stolen..sorta. The tune was stuck in my head and I just made it into a midi and threw other stuff in there. MEOW! :)
Music Sample.zip
(1.42 MiB) Downloaded 119 times
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Re: 8-Bit Convert Makes Size BIG

Postby SuperSonic » Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:56 pm

My computer can't play ogg files so I'm not quite sure which one would be better in the long run. However, I can critique your song. The tune is a little off. Try this :wink:
http://www.google.com/search?gcx=w&q=ke ... 60&bih=677
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Re: 8-Bit Convert Makes Size BIG

Postby jimmynewguy » Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:40 pm

Thanks sonic, but I didn't want it to be exact :lol: it was just a "remix" I guess. I heard the song when I was making my title screen and just felt like it matched a little. Made it more video game music when I did the midi.
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Re: 8-Bit Convert Makes Size BIG

Postby SuperSonic » Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:43 pm

Thanks sonic, but I didn't want it to be exact

Oh haha, I see :lol:
You're welcome :D
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Re: 8-Bit Convert Makes Size BIG

Postby Kalladdolf » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:18 pm

B) is not possible, as the dictator who set the standards for midi mapping didn't foresee that there might be the slightest possibility that people might actually like 8-bit...

As for A), I don't know what degree of size reduction you would be pleased with, but I loaded your Piano Cat track into Audacity (free sound manipulation software), set the sample format to 16 bit and converted the stereo track into a mono one.
Result: 641 KB instead of 1.1 MB.
The quality loss is unnoticeable.

How about it?

Also, bear in mind that in order to have 8-bit music, there is no way around audio files, unless you're using ModPlugTracker and saving your songs as .it files.
And audio files are always larger than midis by a ton, since in our case they store about 44100 samples per second. An average Midi file probably has to work through 10-20 signals a second.
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Re: 8-Bit Convert Makes Size BIG

Postby jimmynewguy » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:43 pm

I figured it would be like that. No big deal as I'm not exactly sure which direction I'm going with my project now, or if it'll ever be finished...

Either way, really cool to see Kall here again! :)
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