How to make levels with activation regions?

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How to make levels with activation regions?

Postby NevenResnik » Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:52 pm

Hey. I know that I can make multiple levels using the activation regions, but have never known how to set them up. Can somebody describe activation regions to me, and help me configure multiple levels via them?

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Re: How to make levels with activation regions?

Postby Camper1995 » Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:26 pm

Yeah, I have the same problem. :p

I was trying to set them up and how?

For example my resolution is 800x600

so you have the grid there. Create one of them, snap them to that view size (its shown on grid map)

and make levels in them...
Well then, just put on player, when he succed the objective of the game:

view.x=view.x+800; (or -800)
view.y=view.y- or + 600;

I really dont know, this is how I figure it out :p

If anyone know how to set them, pls tell us! :D

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Re: How to make levels with activation regions?

Postby DST » Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:57 am

What's confusing for most, is that regions initiate the behavior; if you don't have any regions, no big deal. If you have even one region, GE changes to region behavior, and then nothing will spawn unless it is inside a region.

An activation region delays actor loading until view touches the region.

View+region+actor = actor exists;

Any actors inside the region do not exist until view touches the region. Any actors outside a current region also do not exist.

You can use it for several things, for instance, you can wrap them around level maps; you can wrap them around your cinematic screen so it doesn't use memory during gameplay;

And you can use it to prevent objects from registering from events, like a homing missile that might seek out objects in level 2 when you're only on level 1.

But like i said, if you use even one region, then all actors will need a region to exist. If you're making games for PC, memory isn't a factor. The memory saving concept of regions is geared toward mobile exports in devices with low memory. (though it can be good to wrap levels in it if, as with homing missiles, you need only one level to exist at a time).
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