Little world - demo

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Little world - demo

Postby lcl » Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:35 pm

Hello! :D

Here's my new little game demo. :D
It's not long game, just the beginning, but I think it's nice. :D

Everything about the game is explained in the game. :D

Sorry forgot to tell you...
You can shoot only when you're running.
So, you have to run and shoot. That is something that makes the game
hard. (It's very hard to kill all three enemies game currently has without losing any single life... :lol:)

And by the way, the enemies are quite smart. They calculate the shortest way (in x axis) to player.
It means that they can use that screen warping quite intelligently.

I made all the graphics myself.
Contains executables for win and lin
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Re: Little world - demo

Postby skydereign » Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:33 am

It's amazingly short, so I don't really have a good feel for the game, but here are some comments.

You should increase the width of the screen.
Controls feel a bit awkward (probably due to the cramped space).
You should allow the player to shoot while standing (feels like a cheap way of making the game harder, overall frustrating).
Perhaps teach the enemy to move towards you when directly above you.
You should fix the collision with the ground above you, essentially when your hand is supporting you.
Bullets should use the screen warp feature, but only last a certain amount of time.

The game reminds be of Mazeman and Stickman mixed together. Looks like it could be a pretty fun game, with a few minor touches.
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Re: Little world - demo

Postby lcl » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:06 pm

Thanks for commenting, sky. :D
I will work with those things you mentioned.

But what do you mean by collision with ground above?
I mean, whats wrong with it?
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Re: Little world - demo

Postby skydereign » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:10 pm

Sorry, worded that a bit weird. I meant that you can stand next to a platform because your hand is supporting you. It looks weird and it is mechanically strange as well. If you use a box, or frame region you can use that for the player's collisions and it won't do that. Just a thought.
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