Feature request: Load *.ged in the exported mode

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Feature request: Load *.ged in the exported mode

Postby andysmiling » Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:45 am


After, I've tried for serveral ways to save a memory/space for a pocket-pc platform.
For *.exe or *.dat files is still to big to be suitable for a pocket-pc.
At least for my ping-pong game,
*.dat size is 1.8 MB for each stage ( Coz of music, animations, and pictures have to put on each *.dat) (Total = 30 stages)
*.exe size is 4.3 MB including 30 stages in a file ( But, the game run slow on a pocket-pc platform, I guess, it's just consuming too much memory in the same time)

So, I guess, it would be great if we just

Put all datas in a data folder.
Then, we could run *.ged in the exported mode ( which can pull the files from a data folder)

1 *.ged size is very small
2. We do not have to waste a memory space / musics/ pictures for putting a data on every each *.exe, *.dat
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Postby Game A Gogo » Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:50 pm

I tink what you meen is to be able to export to *.EXE but the *.EXE file would be able to laod the image and every thing else in a folder like a *.GED file, if so Im whit you!! 8) 8) 8)
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Postby Snowfly » Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:13 am

Yes compiling resources to compressed resource files would be nice, so multiple exported game files can contain only the game logic and layout, and things like graphics and sound can be re-used across all of them. This saves a lot of space! Great idea!
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