Function - Line Of Sight

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Function - Line Of Sight

Postby jazz_e_bob » Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:11 am

int lineOfSight ( char *actor1, char *actor2, double viewAngle, double fieldOfView, double viewRange )

Any Actors in game.

The direction Actor1 is facing.

How "wide" the range of vision is. 90 degrees would be a typical value.

How far the actor can see.

1 if clear line of sight between actor1 and actor2. 0 otherwise.

Will ignore actors with actor variable "isSeeThrough" set to 1;

I have spent many days trying to make this with actors and timers but the code has become bloated and unmanageable. I feel that this would be an excellent addition to GE's function library. Please consider! :)
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