still dont understand act. regions. HELP!!

Non-platform specific questions.

still dont understand act. regions. HELP!!

Postby sonicfire » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:49 am

so i have a splash screen in my game and one main level.... within the game i do this and that, create and destroy actors and so on...
when there´s game over - i move to the splash screen area (activation region) again ... the screen appears and my "touch here" symbol blinks. fine.

NOW: i move back to the level (using view.x and view.y and fixed coordinates). now i though it would RESTART everything, just like when you launch your GAME in GE.
Well, nope. Half of my actors are missing... sequences aren´t triggered .... what´s the deal here??

can anyone *PLEASE* enlighten me how this works or is supposed to work ?

:-( really need help ....

PS: i´ve attached a screeny - did i set up the act. regions correctly ?
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Re: still dont understand act. regions. HELP!!

Postby sonicfire » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:13 am

ok, should´ve read the helpfile first...

If the "View" Actor leaves a region and later it comes back, all Actors will be reloaded, except those destroyed explicitly with the "Destroy Actor" Action.

Ok, then i have to change some code here and there :)
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