Command Prompt

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Command Prompt

Postby Rux » Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:20 am

I was wondering, is the a way to open command prompt with GE, and is there a way to shutdown your computer with command prompt? If not then there is a feature request for GE. Also I'd like to have a way to prevent escaping from the program(ctrl+alt+delete). I'm going to making a lock program for my computer for extra protection against intruders on my pc.
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Kalladdolf » Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:25 am

tried to do something like that too, but then came to the conclusion, that Gane Editor actually is only a gaming program...
I wouldn't use it for purposes like that...
ask tekidno about such stuff, he's good at making .bat files :)
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Rux » Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:38 pm

All I need is a way to open command prompt,and have the pc type "logoff" in the box. I don't really need to shut down my pc.
It works I tried it.(The command prompt thing not the program)
I bet the global C script could do it.
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Fuzzy » Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:42 pm

you want to fake it, not really drop to a command line version of windows?
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Rux » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:14 am

Fuzzy wrote:you want to fake it, not really drop to a command line version of windows?

I don't get what you said. :(
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Fuzzy » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:24 am

What I mean is that GE could emulate a shell process, but even if it could run CMD.EXE it would pass all control and abort your program. In fact, thats what it does.
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Kalladdolf » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:00 pm

I'll just get my german-english dictionary...
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Troodon » Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:08 pm

Fuzzy means that if you want you can make a GE "game" that works in full screen and cheats that it's the correct log in screen but it's not. This you can do with GE.

But if you want to run the correct lsass.exe (login program in windows) you must create a text file and type in it this lines:

shutdown -l

Then save it as bat format. For example myfile.bat. Now, DON'T open the file. Put it in the startup-folder. Now, when anyone enters your computer it will launch the myfile.bat and return to login screen.

Wait a minute, if you want to give yourself a chance to abort the login screen, you can modify the code into:

shutdown -t 5 -l

Now it will display 5 seconds countdown before executing. To abort the log off, you must quickly open the command prompt
(quicktip: windows key + r -> type "cmd" and press enter)
and quickly type this code in the command prompt:

shutdown -a

It will abort the log off. You can change the 5 in any other number but make sure that you wil have time to type the command in command prompt.

EDIT: Noooooooooo! Do nothing! There seems to be an error!
Windows (at least home XP SP 2) doesn't seem to allow log off with a time period.
So you must change the code line to close the computer. Like this:

shutdown -t 5 -s

Phew. I hope you didn't allready do the above code. :wink:
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Rux » Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:31 pm


That gave me an Idea. But does it only work when you open it?

And when you said to put it in the start up folder, do you put it in start up folder under the operating system's folder(Start Menu)
Or the start of the game's folder?
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Troodon » Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:44 am

To make it run everytime an user logs into computer, you should put it in:
(C://) Documents and settings/All users/start menu/programs/startup
I haven't tested but you should be able also to replace the "All users" with just your account to "lock" only your account. :)
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Kalladdolf » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:21 am

==Kalladdolf== wrote:ask tekidno about such stuff, he's good at making .bat files

told ya :wink:
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Troodon » Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:02 pm

I can't die, I already tried
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby lilkid » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:17 am

ya command prompt can be used to shut down or hibernate your computer
*****this makes it shut down in 1 minute but disables the mouse and keyboard****
copy paste this in notepad :

@echo off
color 09
title Shutdown nothing can stop it
disable ntfs -ctrl >nul
shutdown -s -c 60

when you pasted it save it as " shutdown.bat " make sure it finishes with ".bat"
who ever opens it the computer will shut down in 1 minutes and disable the mouse and keyboard until it shuts down...

wow that was long to write...
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Troodon » Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:22 pm

lilkid wrote:ya command prompt can be used to shut down or hibernate your computer
*****this makes it shut down in 1 minute but disables the mouse and keyboard****
copy paste this in notepad :

@echo off
color 09
title Shutdown nothing can stop it
disable ntfs -ctrl >nul
shutdown -s -c 60

when you pasted it save it as " shutdown.bat " make sure it finishes with ".bat"
who ever opens it the computer will shut down in 1 minutes and disable the mouse and keyboard until it shuts down...

wow that was long to write...

Lol Lilkid, they don't need decorations I guess. And color 02 is much better than 09 for "hack" stuff.

EDIT: And you better make a anti-shutdown.bat so that you can abort the shutdowning when needed.
The line "shutdown -a" is the abort shutdown command. :)
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Re: Command Prompt

Postby Game A Gogo » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:19 am

Code: Select all
@echo off
title you got owned
color c0
echo you got owned!
shutdown -s -p

is way better >8D
and also, color c0 is much more "freaky" for stuff like that :P
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