Position jump in music (ogg, wav etc.)

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

What do you think about that feature?

That would be great! I hope makslane would do anything for that.
If makslane has got enough time, he can add that feature, but that isn't a must.
I don't need that feature. It's okay to loop the whole music even if the beginning is quiet.
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I only use modules with all the instruments in it.
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Position jump in music (ogg, wav etc.)

Postby asmodeus » Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:34 pm

What's about the feature of position jumping in music?
For example you have got a music in ogg, which starts at position 0, of course. But when it ends it don't have to start at the beginning again, it jumps anywhere in the music, a position chosen by the programmer, for example at position (10000 = 10th second in music).
That could be useful if you have music that starts quietly, but later it is louder and the player wouldn't notice the loop.

Of course you can do it with modules (I'm sure, that the looping doesn't probably work in GE, when position jump is used), but if you have got a record, you have to get it in wav for the module and that would be a very large size.

What do you think to that feature?
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Re: Position jump in music (ogg, wav etc.)

Postby BlarghNRawr » Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:04 pm

wow that would help... No more having to loop the songs so they sound perfect
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Re: Position jump in music (ogg, wav etc.)

Postby jimmynewguy » Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:34 pm

well you could just have the music intro and then the part that you want to repeat

then when you want the music to play you have a timer that is the same length as the "intro" persay than when the timer is finished play the looped music

it wouldnt sound as good as what you want but it kind of works :D
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