hilarious problem with GE in Game Mode. =D

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hilarious problem with GE in Game Mode. =D

Postby Sgt. Sparky » Wed May 30, 2007 9:46 pm

Ge has a limit to how far you can fall, it will somtimes reset itself if the view is fallowing the falling object(it did for me in Game mode)
but when you have an actor that moves to your player constantly(the falling one) it will start going up after a while of the player falling...
(the faster the player falls the quicker.)
I just felt like posting this hilarious error(it looks funny in my Game in Game Mode in GE(And out of it! :D)! :lol:)
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Postby 98700 » Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:02 pm

can you post the game so i can try it...
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Postby Sgt. Sparky » Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:39 pm

I fixed the glitch by adding limits to falling,
but here is what you do:
play a game you have made that does not have falling limits,
then jump off the edge and get right under the ledge you jumped off of and wait,
it will take a while but all of the sudden the game will start over again, although not everything will be the same. :D
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Postby Troodon » Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:18 pm

Aaaaaaaaah, this explains a lot!
I'm working on a game, where the actor can fall even more than 8000x4 pixels. I'm adding a fall limit too.
I can't die, I already tried
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