So you want to be a pixel artist?
This is by far the most extensive tutorial I found. Starts with dissecting the sometimes infamous "grass tile" which can really kill your game if not done right, eliminating monotony, taking a deep look and figuring out what makes the beautiful graphics from Final Fantasy tic, as well as techniques for drawing 8-bit rpg sprites and Street fighter style character animations.
Read this whole thing, you won't regret it. The other stuff on the sidebar is all good too, so check it out.
About pushing pixels for 2d game sprites
A pretty good overview of the creation of medium sized sprites.
The Pixel Art Tutorial from Pixel Joint
Good info on anti-aliasing, dithering, palettes, hue-shifting, etc.
Ari Feldman's Book on Game Graphics
We all know who Ari is. (If you've at least used game editor, then you've seen his spritelib caveman sprites.) Read his book too. Excellent stuff.
Know another good pixelart tutorial? Post it here!

Edit: fixed some links.