Hey, everybody!
I appreciate the info everyone gave me about jumping. But my mind is also running. It's apparent that, if I want to do anything more complicated than a simple virtual pet, I need to get into the scripting.
Welcome to the stick shift of Game Editor.
I know C++, so I'm most of the way there already, but Game Editor uses C, so I need to slow down a little. Some of this is syntactical, as I kind of skimmed the C-specific portion of the studies (I admit it).
To help me get the basics, I'm going to ask a few more questions.
1) Global code. I'm figuring this to be the equivalent of scope resolution. Anything here, variables and the like, can be accessed by any actor control in the game. Likewise, any scripting done in the actor control cannot be accessed by the global code, right? If I add two numbers and assign them to a variable under the actor control only, the global code can't read it, right? Only scripting commands under that actor can?
2) I see there are variables for x, y, xvelocity, yvelocity, etc. Do I need to declare any othe variables I use like in C++ (int bunch = 20;), or can I simply assign variables like in BASIC (bunch = 20)?
3) Is there a way to disable certain things while an action is taken? Consider the following example--I take my little croc and create a path for a fixed-distance long jump (key down event, change path, etc.) I set it so that there is a specific animation for the long jump. But, each time I press the jump button, the path restarts from where I hit the button. And, if I press left or right, the animation will change to walking instead of the long jump animation, even if the path is not finished. Is there a way to set the actor controls so that no other input can be read or action taken until whatever action I want (follow a path or the completion of a specific script) is finished?
Dobre utka,
Pete Holland Jr.