Have i returned?

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Re: Have i returned?

Postby master0500 » Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:09 am

will we be able to port to the mac app store? that i think would be good revenue
as well as that, i might be able to do art for a project with someone, i have a seven or so holiday coming up end of next week so...
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby AliceXIII » Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:25 pm

I like the amount of input we are getting here it's actually going somewhere!

so far as candidates we only have the geo-platformer.

im thinking of a few things but trying to get it down to a simplex but good idea i'll post when i got some idea hashed out im committed to working on any idea that gets picked so lets see what other results people come up with?
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby dragonforce-europe » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:32 pm

I just bought a second hand GP2X because game-editor supported this.

Now i dont know how big the community is for this, but playing my own games onto a handheld has been a very VERY long dream and now i am able to make this dream come true.

Until version 1.5 comes out ofcourse..... So i am somewhat waiting for 1.5 and on the other hand i am not, because i will lose the GP2X functionality. Hmmm. Well, Game Editor progress might be slow, but it is up to us users to make some great games with the tools we have right now.

Suuuree 1.5 is better, but its a waste to wait for 1.5 just to start creating games. Why not create games with the tools we have now and we might be able to pull some nice things off.
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby AliceXIII » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:54 pm

^^ lol that's what we are trying to do here create something in GE as it stands now!
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby NightOfHorror » Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:12 am

So when do we get started with the group GE project? :D
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby skydereign » Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:28 am

As soon as we agree on the idea. I can come up with more game concepts if people want.
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby AliceXIII » Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:12 am

im trying to come up with more myself i always take a couple days on an idea so i can really think it out i've got to get it clear in my head first.
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby NightOfHorror » Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:28 am

This is exciting, and I like your idea sky that you mentioned. If anyone has different ideas, then of course they can share, and we can decide which one we like the most. :D
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby Soullem » Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:57 am

I would be excited to do something like this. It would be a great way to improve peoples scripting. Like having powerups in this platformer game could have its own subthread. This way everyone could send in their codes with comments up the yingyang. and then everyone can see a new and improved way to do this portion of a game.
For example we could do something like what I did on my first game Time Is Precious. Its an upgrading platformer, but for this game we could have levels, and maybe even a better story element.

Also, i was thinking wouldn't it be cool if We like only used sprites from the tutorials and games people have made?
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby Jagmaster » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:25 am

While I did like the first idea, It would be nice to have some other choices before we delve into things of course. I have a few ideas, but they're more based on theme, notsomuch game mechanics. I'll crunch my brain to see if I can come up with anything more.

I do think we should use some of GE's most unique and/or advanced features, one of those being Canvas. I have yet to find anything that compares to the simplicity of the canvas actor.

Theme wise, Personally I'm fond of historical science-fiction genres, like steampunk, and the likes of what you'd find in the works of Jules Verene. Expanding on the Geo-platformer idea; I can picture an assortment of steam powered robots gaining different abilities from plugging into different sockets (on the floor, or the walls) of the tiles. One could have to upgrade/change sockets to fit into certain plugs or to increase attack range etc.

Soullem wrote:Also, i was thinking wouldn't it be cool if We like only used sprites from the tutorials and games people have made?

I don't know, I'm all about consistency myself. If we did that we'd end up with a convoluted mishmash of a game. Interesting thought though.
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby skydereign » Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:48 am

Jagmaster wrote:I don't know, I'm all about consistency myself. If we did that we'd end up with a convoluted mishmash of a game. Interesting thought though.

I agree. We want to make a game that shows off gE as a game making tool, not what has already been made with gE. The cleaner and more uniform the graphics, the more interested people will be.

Jagmaster wrote:I do think we should use some of GE's most unique and/or advanced features, one of those being Canvas. I have yet to find anything that compares to the simplicity of the canvas actor.

I'd stray away from canvas. Unless we are using small canvas actors for little things, they cause too much slow down. Just erasing the entire screen can slow the game down. Especially if we plan to actually draw using lineto, putpixel type functions.

Jagmaster wrote:While I did like the first idea, It would be nice to have some other choices before we delve into things of course. I have a few ideas, but they're more based on theme, notsomuch game mechanics. I'll crunch my brain to see if I can come up with anything more.

Well here are a few more ideas that would lend themselves to gE.
Tower Offense
Command waves of creeps in a grid based tower defense type game. You'll be able to select which units to use, and how many, based off of money you get. You can target towers to destroy them, and collect money from them. You can upgrade your units, similarly to normal rts games. Unit types can expand from the normal tower defense games as well.

Steam Punk Run 'n Gun
Going along with the steam punk theme, a run 'n gun steam punk game would be fun to make. You could have many gadgets such as robot mounts, steam jetpacks, and plenty of weapons. If we were being very ambitious we could have it where you can build/customize weapons, and the like. Since one of the drawing factors of steam punk is the world itself, this would also be good as a world exploration platformer. The run 'n gun element would provide fast and intense game play, and large weapon selections allow the player to specialize or mix up gameplay.

People seem to be wanting to make the first project script intensive, or at least a good example of coding in gE, so we could also do a tbs. Plenty of customization can go into a tbs (I'm currently thinking like advance wars). I personally wouldn't go with this type of game though, as people would assume it would support multiplayer. I'm also against making the first project more script intensive, since we want to support group working, and I can see scripting knowledge interfering with that.

I can list out more ideas, but it'd be easier if everyone that wants to get involved. Post what you'd like to see in the game (and what you don't want). Such as themes, graphic styles, what features of gE you'd like to see used within the game. And most importantly the gameplay. That way we can build a game idea that fits. For instance...

Gameplay - action platformer type game. The player should always be moving.
Art style - in the end, whatever we can manage, but it should be clean and uniform. I'd like it to be compelling, allowing for want of exploration.
Possible themes - I like steam punk, or other different environments. Namely avoid mario type environments.
gE features - Good use of inheritance, activation events, and a map loader. People have had lots of problems with map loaders, so having a uniform example will be good for gE. Also it allows for easier team development for level design.

Don't want - Anything too script heavy. Individual elements involving heavy scripting is okay, but anyone with basic understanding of coding in gE should be able to contribute (and not just to art and concept).
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby AliceXIII » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:21 am

i like the run and gun idea alot!

as for map loaders i have a good clean example i could submit.
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby master0500 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:49 am

i think it would be good to have a sort of steam-punk tower defense, i don't think i seen anything like it before and it would create an interesting art style
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:13 pm

I would stray away from Intense script games too because of the fact that many here are not at that point yet, but maybe later it would be a good thing to do. As for the rest, I will go with what you guys want to do for the game. :)
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Re: Have i returned?

Postby Hblade » Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:37 am

Yeah I havent been on much either but I plan to get into G-E again
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