Game Editor in french

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Re: Game Editor in french

Postby Game A Gogo » Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:06 am

tekdino wrote:I'm not sure but perhaps some of the GEUI texts are images.
But if not, the translation could be (maybe) done by using forum members to translate. Of course not to translate tutorials and script (such strcpy) but just user interface. I could translate it to finnish. :mrgreen:
EDITbeforesubmitting: But it will or may or would cause a problem. If you for example call actors "joueur" (yeah, I know you say in french "acteur" but it's too near the english one for this example :P ) in user interface then you couldn't call it the same way in code. Oh no, I couldn't think this post until the end because I must reach a bus.

I know many programs like that!
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Re: Game Editor in french

Postby Rux » Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:17 am

Well I'm all English (American-Canadian which are almost the same thing).
I'm not good at coming up with signatures...
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