A Need For A Numerical Input for Transparency, and Z-Depth

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

A Need For A Numerical Input for Transparency, and Z-Depth

Postby TheArenafrontTeam » Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:02 pm

A need for a numerical input setting for transparency and z-depth settings, set in right next to the sliders for the settings (of the actor). That way, exact settings could be more precise, rather than a slider with which (without direct scripting) one can only accurately set the desired z-depth/transparency about fifteen times. If there was a number input for the two, the accuracy would be much better, and the tool could be simple enough for even the no-experienced John Doe could utilize it. Just for the record, we are fine with using the scripts for the exact numerical settings, though putting the numerical input into the interface would make things work more smoothly and faster
The Arenafront Team
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Re: A Need For A Numerical Input for Transparency, and Z-Depth

Postby makslane » Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:42 pm

Game Editor is an open source game creator software that's wants to pay it's developers to keep evolving.
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Postby Haldirian87 » Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:59 pm

So It's going into the future version? Looks like a substantial request to me, and it's cool that it's going to get fulfilled, though is the Z-Depth Input by number? In the image, it's not a text box, unless you need to activate the text box somehow, though I'm unsure about that.
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Re: A Need For A Numerical Input for Transparency, and Z-Depth

Postby makslane » Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:31 pm

You can just click on the value and edit it. Or click and drag to change.
Game Editor is an open source game creator software that's wants to pay it's developers to keep evolving.
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