Get GE out there: an easy way to help? Competition!

Game Editor comments and discussion.

Get GE out there: an easy way to help? Competition!

Postby PookDGuru » Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:59 am

Okay, so I would like to start doing some things to get GE out there a bit. It's not really advertising, it's just promotions and gigs to try and stir up the GE community a bit, and perhaps maybe even expand it. GE is a great tool, and I will do anything in my power to keep it alive. So here's my idea:

GE Screenplay competition!

Here's how it goes: take a game--any game--made with Game Editor, and use a screen-capture to record yourself playing it. If you can capture something really cool, even better! I want you to really capture the feel of the game. There are so many games made with GE, some finished, others not (I probably have several dozen unfinished games I toyed with), that it'd be pretty cool to see the best of GE's capabilities.

That in mind, any competition has a prize, and in this case, it's publicity. I want to make a GE promo showcase video, using the best clips (or, maybe all of them, if there are few entries. IDK how many people are going to go for this) and showing GE's abilities. You'll be credited for the video, alongside the game's creator

Pookdguru playing "space cadet" by johndoe55

All I need from you is a video (youtube, dropbox, whatever) , the .ged file (so I can give a brief description of the game) and the username of the game's creator. IF you want to describe the game, feel free to write what you want, I'll probably just use that description instead.

Cross my fingers, will this stir the pot? OR am I preaching to the choir?

Ready... set... GO!!!!!
Check out Advent: Deep Space!
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