File not found error - Corrupted file

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File not found error - Corrupted file

Postby Jagmaster » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:12 pm

I have a ged document that whenever I save, close out, and open back up again, I get an error "Data not found - Horizontal_wall*.ged" (I'm not sure if the asterisk is normal for an error message, but it was there). I have scoured the data folder and everything is where it should be. I am able to load the undo files and get a fresh doc without damage, but as soon as i make an adjustment (simple adjustment, ie change zdepth on an actor) and the save, the file seems to corrupt itself again.
I merge the undo file with a new doc, in a new folder, and to my surprise, the data file sits empty, which seems odd (I've not used merge very often, so I'm not sure if that's normal) - and if I move it to my projects folder with the original data I get my problem again.

At least I have the undo file, but it is rather annoying to run the undo file whenever I want to work on my document.

I'm wondering if a) messing with something in the data folder caused something (I've had corrupted stuff in the data folder before, when I've deleted old files from the folder that I didn't need)
Or b) there is a bug in the file, that with whatever I'm doing in the script or otherwise, that's causing it to corrupt.

My intuition is the data folder is corrupt. Theoretically I could take the original files and manually create a new data folder right? If not, I'll probably end up having to manually re-create the document - importing all the graphics would be the most tedious part, and I'd rather not if possible.

Any insight would be appreciated, I'll upload the folder if necessary (there would be some minor spoilers, nothing big though).
Last edited by Jagmaster on Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Data not found error - Corrupted file

Postby lcl » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:17 pm

Have you tried saving with another filename?
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Re: Data not found error - Corrupted file

Postby skydereign » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:40 pm

Is that the exact error? I so far haven't found it in the 1.4 or 1.5 source. It sounds like your ged is messed up, because if you merge and save, and it doesn't create a proper data directory, than that means your ged doesn't have a proper hold of the data.
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Re: Data not found error - Corrupted file

Postby Jagmaster » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:46 pm

My bad, the error is "File not found: data\Horizontal_wall_*.ged"

Edit: upon re-typing the error, I found that there was an extra underscore in the file name (on the error, not on the doc). Maybe that's it?
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Re: Data not found error - Corrupted file

Postby skydereign » Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:11 am

Why is your game looking for a ged within the data directory? Are you loading it from the recent files list? If so try loading it by selecting the actual file. It might be that you changed the path slightly, and it is assuming the game's actual path from the GameEditor.ini file (you could also remove the ini file).
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Re: Data not found error - Corrupted file

Postby Jagmaster » Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:26 am

My bad bad. I was in a rush, so I misstyped again. It said png not ged. I promise.
Sorry. That was a brain fart

I've loaded from recent file, file > open, cleared the filelist from the GameEditor.ini file, and saved with a different filename.


I'm wondering if deleting / replacing unused files from the data directory is bad protocol?
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Re: Data not found error - Corrupted file

Postby Jagmaster » Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:43 am

I just copied my Horizontal_wall.png and renamed it to Horizontal_wall_.png but nope. Didn't work.
Didn't add an asterisk because ha- you can't even put an asterisk in a file name.
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Re: Data not found error - Corrupted file

Postby Jagmaster » Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:53 am

Remade the data folder, and still got the error.

I guess all that's left is to re-make the ged file, unless there are other suggestions.

Thanks lcl and skydereign for your swift responses.
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Re: Data not found error - Corrupted file

Postby skydereign » Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:26 am

Hm, not really sure. Try using this file (normally you should never do this). If that doesn't work, let me see the ged/data, even if you decide to, or already have, remake it manually. I wonder if it only happens on windows.
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Re: File not found error - Corrupted file

Postby Jagmaster » Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:29 pm

Nope, that didn't do it either. I'll upload the file along with the undo doc.

Either way, I've already remade my ged doc. I've actually progressed further than the old one (surprise surprise).
Now I have an excuse to start a development thread. :lol:
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