Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:54 pm
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
2:54 AM (UTC+1)
Pančevo, Serbia
Finally, here's the Tablić Early Demo.
I thought I will finish it earlier and it will be fully functional, but unfortunately, that's not the case. However, I couldn't wait any longer and I wanted to show you guys what I've done until now and how actually this game looks.
Some features don't work and others need to be added.
This early demo has bugs:
- game might shut down (usually happens after two decks have been used)
- game might not end when a pair (player) has needed score
- some cards might not show its real value
- don't play until all cards move to its positions
- cards might not be turned in proper direction
- if there are more than 8 cards on talon the game might freeze
- I've noticed one more bug, when computer opponent has more cards than the others, it doesn't get 3 award points
- ...
Features that will be added:
- music
- keyboard shortcuts for: result, cards, options, sound, music, animation, main menu, new game, exit
- adjust sound and music volume
- collected cards will show when you click on your deck
- instructions (how to play)
- statistics
- difficulty
- one more deck (cards more similar to standard / classic cards)
- how would look all cards from the chosen deck
- short explanation for every choice in main menu and options
Do you think I could add a pointer to currently active player, like some arrow?
Source code needs some "polishing".
Winner needs 101 points, but in this early demo it is set to 20, so you can finish game earlier. It can be adjusted in Options.
Despite all flaws I hope you'll test this game, enjoy it and leave feedback and suggestions.
Tablic Early Demo Trailer
source (ged and data files)
Windows executable
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
7:34 PM (UTC+1)
Belgrade, Serbia
Some new features are added.
First, in Options you can change names of players.
Second, I've added mini-menu instead of six icons during gameplay. This is the way I've made it: How to make a menu. I've thrown out Pause, because there's no much use of it, game is not that dynamic that it requires Pause.
To access mini-menu, mouse-over small triangle in lower-right bottom.
Here's the mini-menu:
You can select:
- RESULT/CARDS - still only a button, it has no function yet; there's still too much work on card game to make this selection functional
- OPTIONS - for now it has only one option, it is not available in Options on main menu, and will be only available option on mini-menu when I publish the first demo
These three selections pop "Are you sure?" window.
After I do some work on gamepay, I'll publish demo, which should be pretty soon.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
7:48 PM (UTC+1)
Pančevo, Serbia
Today I've been working a lot, but it seems like little has been done.
Unfortunately six icons in bottom left corner, present during gameplay, needed to be removed. I'll make drop-down, or more precise, jump-up menu.
Instead of five decks there are three new, made by myself in mspaint.
Opponent's cards are turned downside and player's name and score are visible.
Gameplay has been improved.
There's still some work to be done before first demo is released.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
10:08 PM (UTC+1)
Pancevo, Serbia
Hi, people! (no smiley because there can't be more than five smiles in single post, sorry)
This is how far Tablic has come. I will post screenshots instead of actual project, because it is not much useful now, but it will be soon, and then I'll upload demo.
This is opening screen, obviously. No need to explain much. Rules are rules of card game Tablic. As I've already said, I will add Instructions, or How to play, Statistics and Credits. I might also add explanation for every of these titles that will pop up when you move your mouse over it. In the bottom left corner will be Game Editor logo.
This is the game. As you can see, there are four players, but also there can be three or two players. In the middle is talon. In the beginning, there are four cards on talon. You shouldn't see opponent's cards and they will be turned downwards. Only cards you will see are your cards (six cards on the bottom) and cards on talon. I've draw cards in mspaint. There will be another one version, similar to standard cards ( ). It is easier to see on these cards what is their value, worth, or numeral.
White numbers you see won't be there. I use them to track some variables.
On the right side of every player's cards will be a deck when a player collects some cards. Cards will need some moving, because currently there's no enough space.
In the bottom left corner is a little menu. It is: Main menu, Options, Result/Cards, Exit, New Game and Pause. I'll probably change look of these icons, and probably remove some. I might add a drop-down menu.
There will be name and score of every player, too.
Options. Some of these things still don't have any influence on game, but that is just matter of implementing it into the game. There will be more options and a small field where will be explanation for every option. I will change card's backgrounds, make some by myself.
You will be able to set sound volume, music on/off, music volume, choose cards and are they going to arrange and change keyboard shortcuts.
What you see are default options.
These are rules, and I would appreciate if someone read them and points out mistakes:
Things I will add:
- keyboard shortcuts: exit, pause, options, main menu, new game, result, sound, animation,...
- when someone wins 101 points, it is game over. You will be able to adjust this limit.
- difficulty, or AI's strength; currently AI has simple algorithm, but doesn't play that bad
- one more set of cards
- of course I will change Properties, so it says Tablic, not Game Editor
Before I post demo, I will need to adjust some things in game and maybe change AI a little bit, so I'll probably post demo very soon.
If you already have some suggestions, please post.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
2:53 PM (UTC+1)
Belgrade, Serbia
Hello, everyone!
I want to announce I have been working on a card game called Tablic for already three weeks. Some of you might already know that. It takes a lot more time than I thought it will. Like I am making Counter Strike, and not a simple card game. But partially, it took so much time because from time to time I am changing code, I draw cards myself in mspaint , and other smaller elements of the game, and there's always one more thing I want to add. But it doesn't matter, I enjoy working on Tablic thoroughly. A lot of work is ahead, but some important things have already been done.
Card game itself is almost playable. There are Options, too, and Rules. I am planing to add Instructions, Statistics, although I am not pretty sure what I am going to put there, and of course Credits.
I am impatient to introduce you Tablic and that's the reason why I am making this topic without even a demo, which will be ready very soon.
I will update the topic regularly. I would upload a screenshot, but the game is on my flash drive, which I forgot at home.
The game is very simple, but interesting. Basically, there are cards on talon (table) which you take using cards that have been gave to you. If one card from your hand has worth, or nominal, same as worth of one or more cards on talon, you take those cards. Also, if more cards from talon when summed give worth of your card, you can take them too. It is very popular in states of ex-Yugoslavia. However, you might know it under some other name.
I am looking forward to start uploading things.
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
2:54 AM (UTC+1)
Pančevo, Serbia
Finally, here's the Tablić Early Demo.
I thought I will finish it earlier and it will be fully functional, but unfortunately, that's not the case. However, I couldn't wait any longer and I wanted to show you guys what I've done until now and how actually this game looks.
Some features don't work and others need to be added.
This early demo has bugs:
- game might shut down (usually happens after two decks have been used)
- game might not end when a pair (player) has needed score
- some cards might not show its real value
- don't play until all cards move to its positions
- cards might not be turned in proper direction
- if there are more than 8 cards on talon the game might freeze
- I've noticed one more bug, when computer opponent has more cards than the others, it doesn't get 3 award points
- ...
Features that will be added:
- music
- keyboard shortcuts for: result, cards, options, sound, music, animation, main menu, new game, exit
- adjust sound and music volume
- collected cards will show when you click on your deck
- instructions (how to play)
- statistics
- difficulty
- one more deck (cards more similar to standard / classic cards)
- how would look all cards from the chosen deck
- short explanation for every choice in main menu and options
Do you think I could add a pointer to currently active player, like some arrow?
Source code needs some "polishing".
Winner needs 101 points, but in this early demo it is set to 20, so you can finish game earlier. It can be adjusted in Options.
Despite all flaws I hope you'll test this game, enjoy it and leave feedback and suggestions.
Tablic Early Demo Trailer
source (ged and data files)
Windows executable
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
7:34 PM (UTC+1)
Belgrade, Serbia
Some new features are added.
First, in Options you can change names of players.
Second, I've added mini-menu instead of six icons during gameplay. This is the way I've made it: How to make a menu. I've thrown out Pause, because there's no much use of it, game is not that dynamic that it requires Pause.
To access mini-menu, mouse-over small triangle in lower-right bottom.
Here's the mini-menu:
You can select:
- RESULT/CARDS - still only a button, it has no function yet; there's still too much work on card game to make this selection functional
- OPTIONS - for now it has only one option, it is not available in Options on main menu, and will be only available option on mini-menu when I publish the first demo
These three selections pop "Are you sure?" window.
After I do some work on gamepay, I'll publish demo, which should be pretty soon.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
7:48 PM (UTC+1)
Pančevo, Serbia
Today I've been working a lot, but it seems like little has been done.
Unfortunately six icons in bottom left corner, present during gameplay, needed to be removed. I'll make drop-down, or more precise, jump-up menu.
Instead of five decks there are three new, made by myself in mspaint.
Opponent's cards are turned downside and player's name and score are visible.
Gameplay has been improved.
There's still some work to be done before first demo is released.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
10:08 PM (UTC+1)
Pancevo, Serbia
Hi, people! (no smiley because there can't be more than five smiles in single post, sorry)
This is how far Tablic has come. I will post screenshots instead of actual project, because it is not much useful now, but it will be soon, and then I'll upload demo.
This is opening screen, obviously. No need to explain much. Rules are rules of card game Tablic. As I've already said, I will add Instructions, or How to play, Statistics and Credits. I might also add explanation for every of these titles that will pop up when you move your mouse over it. In the bottom left corner will be Game Editor logo.
This is the game. As you can see, there are four players, but also there can be three or two players. In the middle is talon. In the beginning, there are four cards on talon. You shouldn't see opponent's cards and they will be turned downwards. Only cards you will see are your cards (six cards on the bottom) and cards on talon. I've draw cards in mspaint. There will be another one version, similar to standard cards ( ). It is easier to see on these cards what is their value, worth, or numeral.
White numbers you see won't be there. I use them to track some variables.
On the right side of every player's cards will be a deck when a player collects some cards. Cards will need some moving, because currently there's no enough space.
In the bottom left corner is a little menu. It is: Main menu, Options, Result/Cards, Exit, New Game and Pause. I'll probably change look of these icons, and probably remove some. I might add a drop-down menu.
There will be name and score of every player, too.
Options. Some of these things still don't have any influence on game, but that is just matter of implementing it into the game. There will be more options and a small field where will be explanation for every option. I will change card's backgrounds, make some by myself.
You will be able to set sound volume, music on/off, music volume, choose cards and are they going to arrange and change keyboard shortcuts.
What you see are default options.
These are rules, and I would appreciate if someone read them and points out mistakes:
Things I will add:
- keyboard shortcuts: exit, pause, options, main menu, new game, result, sound, animation,...
- when someone wins 101 points, it is game over. You will be able to adjust this limit.
- difficulty, or AI's strength; currently AI has simple algorithm, but doesn't play that bad
- one more set of cards
- of course I will change Properties, so it says Tablic, not Game Editor
Before I post demo, I will need to adjust some things in game and maybe change AI a little bit, so I'll probably post demo very soon.
If you already have some suggestions, please post.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
2:53 PM (UTC+1)
Belgrade, Serbia
Hello, everyone!
I want to announce I have been working on a card game called Tablic for already three weeks. Some of you might already know that. It takes a lot more time than I thought it will. Like I am making Counter Strike, and not a simple card game. But partially, it took so much time because from time to time I am changing code, I draw cards myself in mspaint , and other smaller elements of the game, and there's always one more thing I want to add. But it doesn't matter, I enjoy working on Tablic thoroughly. A lot of work is ahead, but some important things have already been done.
Card game itself is almost playable. There are Options, too, and Rules. I am planing to add Instructions, Statistics, although I am not pretty sure what I am going to put there, and of course Credits.
I am impatient to introduce you Tablic and that's the reason why I am making this topic without even a demo, which will be ready very soon.
I will update the topic regularly. I would upload a screenshot, but the game is on my flash drive, which I forgot at home.
The game is very simple, but interesting. Basically, there are cards on talon (table) which you take using cards that have been gave to you. If one card from your hand has worth, or nominal, same as worth of one or more cards on talon, you take those cards. Also, if more cards from talon when summed give worth of your card, you can take them too. It is very popular in states of ex-Yugoslavia. However, you might know it under some other name.
I am looking forward to start uploading things.