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Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:52 am
by Behdadsoft
OK, Thanks.

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:11 pm
by MrScience101
Have you or anyone else verified what a game made with the iphone 5 resolution looks like on an iphone 4/4s? Does it clip top and bottom, does it stretch? What does it do?

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:50 am
by MrScience101
Thank you for making this work on the iphone 5. I was using the old geapp and it was stretching it and making it look weird and not work. This one works great.

Thanks again.

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:29 pm
by MrScience101
MrScience101 wrote:Have you or anyone else verified what a game made with the iphone 5 resolution looks like on an iphone 4/4s? Does it clip top and bottom, does it stretch? What does it do?

I got my app approved, though I am not going to publish it to the store, because while it shows up perfectly fine on the iphone 5/5s/5c, on an ipad or iphone 4/4s it clips the top off of it and makes the touch out of sync with the screen. So I'll need to figure out how to resolve that.

In the project settings in xcode for the glviewkit window that is used, all I did was change the setting from 'AspectFill' to 'Top Left', now it works like I think it should, with only the bottom pixels being cut off. This way it works for Iphone 4 through Iphone 5s and on the Ipad. The resolution is of course limited to 320x640.

Now I just need to figure out how to make it for different resolutions, though I am not sure that is possible.
Graphics solution: By opening the two XIB files in xcode, by control clicking and opening as code, and changing the resolution from 320x568 to 640x960 I can successfully get the graphics to be retina display graphics.

The problem now is that the clicks or rather 'touches' don't line up with the graphics. So now I need to figure out why when you touch the screen it still acts like a 320x480 screen instead of a 640x960 screen.

Sequence101 is now live and free on the United States App Store. Thanks to all those who posted how to do it.

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:48 am
Update on this.

apple will no longer accept xcode 4 projects.

They will only accept xcode 5 projects on ios7

Apple is such a pain. Just when you get it to work they say its no longer valid. :x

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:24 am
The good news is that if you have Chai GEapp working on xcode 4 all you need to do is download xcode 5 and it should work fine. All I did was get the latest version of xcode and open my project from xcode 4 and it worked. I just summit the new update using Xcode 5 and ios7. :D

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:25 am
Well actually I spoke to soon. I just notice that when you build on ios7 you get a green rectangle on the screen. that green rectangle looks like the battery icon but it takes up screen space and cuts off your view.

Chai have you notice this yet with when building with the new apple requirements?

If any one has the solution please post it.

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:33 pm
by Silya
HI everyone! I'm trying to build my project on Xcode 5 and ios 7 and I have stuck on this error:
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/...GEapp-chai/geapp/build/Release-iphoneos/libgeapp.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7s): /Users/romankordas/Desktop/GEapp-chai/geapp/build/Release-iphoneos/libgeapp.a
ld: entry point (_main) undefined. for architecture armv7s

Please help, is it mean that the old version of Geapp_Chai doesn't work with IOS 7 architecture?

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:52 pm
by Behdadsoft

I have 2 question before start make game.
1- with GEapp can I make a game for iPhone 5S?
2- if I make game for iPhone 5 with this resolution (568 * 320), can run it on iPhone 4?


Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:51 am
by Chai
Behdadsoft wrote:Hi.

I have 2 question before start make game.
1- with GEapp can I make a game for iPhone 5S?
2- if I make game for iPhone 5 with this resolution (568 * 320), can run it on iPhone 4?


As I tested I can run my game app on iPhone 5S (IOS6). So the GEapp can make a game on iPhone5S.
However, I used iOS6 at that time so I don't know it still work on iOS7 or not.
(I don't have the device run on iOS7)

You can't run iPhone5 game resolution on the iPhone4. But you can run iPhone4 game on the iPhone 5.

Hope this will help you.

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:05 pm
by Behdadsoft
Thanks Chai. :)

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:34 pm
Chai wrote:
Behdadsoft wrote:Hi.

I have 2 question before start make game.
1- with GEapp can I make a game for iPhone 5S?
2- if I make game for iPhone 5 with this resolution (568 * 320), can run it on iPhone 4?


As I tested I can run my game app on iPhone 5S (IOS6). So the GEapp can make a game on iPhone5S.
However, I used iOS6 at that time so I don't know it still work on iOS7 or not.
(I don't have the device run on iOS7)

You can't run iPhone5 game resolution on the iPhone4. But you can run iPhone4 game on the iPhone 5.

Hope this will help you.

I updates to the latest once again because apple required it but now the game has a Green rectangle on the top. Have you been able to update your apps in the last month or two?

I want to do a update but its not working correctly once again.