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Make it balance!!!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:08 am
by Bee-Ant
In collision event, primely using physical response of the right side of any actor isn't perfect as the left side of any actor.
For example in platform game. When player collide with Right Side of platform, then it change it's would through the platform. Different thing with Left Side of platform...
So, I hope you would repaire it

Re: Make it balance!!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:15 am
by Game A Gogo
I second this, very annoying bug. like if the + had more priority then - (If we are talking like vector wise in physic)

Re: Make it balance!!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:31 am
by Bee-Ant
Even I put this code in Player>Collision>Right Side of Platform
Code: Select all
x+=3; //to make it move away of platform

Player still could through the platform when I change it's animation...
I use wireframe for the platform...
Very frustrating...the NON-SOLID physical response...makslane please fix this...
To avoid it I use very silly trick, it could help me...but sometimes that bug happened again... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: Make it balance!!!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:20 am
by jwelch
I've noticed this too. It should be fixed.